We've taken some time to compile our answers to some of the most common questions we receive from our fans and our players!

If you have any questions, email them to support@noanoagame.com!

What are Noas?

Noas are cute little digital creatures that have magical abilities and powers. Nobody knows where they come from, but they tend to be harvested for their ability to provide large amounts of energy.

What does Baron Von Noa do with the Noas?

He sends them away for.. Ahem. Processing.

Can I play Noa Noa without spending any money?

Our first priority with Noa Noa was to make a game that anyone could enjoy without having to spend a cent. Noa Noa is designed to make sure you never have to pay for anything, and you don't even have to watch ads if you choose not to!

That said, watching an ad or two every so often helps us keep the lights on at Wildergames, and allows us to keep supporting Noa Noa with updates and bug fixes!

How do I feed my Noa?

To feed your Noa, head to the town and go left until you reach the Diner. From there, you can buy food for your Noa!

I ran out of Pixels and can't afford food. Help!

At the Diner, you can purchase garbage food for free. It might seem harsh, but it may be just enought make your Noa game-ready again!

How can I contact someone about Noa Noa?

We love receiving messages from our fans and players!
You can contact us in a number of ways:

email: support@noanoagame.com
twitter: @noanoagame

You can also contact Wilder on Twitter at @wildergames!